
Mån-Tors 12-17, Lör - Sön 12-16, Fredagar stängt


Kastellgatan 19, 413 07 Göteborg


Produced by
pure 8teml

Sweet dreams
80 x 90

Girls and stripes
150 x 130

Goodbye spirit
60 x 80

Farewell to a friend
125 x 100

Swinging kiss
125 x 100

Table runner
125 x 100

Cliff hanger I
25 x 41

Girl and hound dog
160 x 130

50 x 90

Singing bird
125 x 100

Fools I
20 x 16

Mourners II
81 x 61

Mourners I
81 x 61


Hound dog
115 x 85

Goodbye spirit
60 x 80

Mourners III
81 x 61